Marketing & Sales
Angola LNG marketing stall

Marketing & Sales

In recent years the profile of gas in the energy mix has changed. LNG has been a key driver of that change and become an increasingly important supply source in meeting the world’s energy needs and in providing diversity of supply bolstering energy security. Natural gas is considered a key bridging fuel as the world transitions to an energy mix less dependent on fossil fuels.

Angola LNG’s key priority is for safe and reliable production and delivery of cargoes to our customers whilst maintaining its reputation as a trusted global supplier of LNG.

Angola LNG’s sales strategy is focused on a flexible approach. With its dedicated fleet, Angola LNG has built a flexible sales portfolio with the ability to reach and supply global LNG markets, as demand dictates.

Many master sale and purchase agreements have already been executed with key LNG players including many of the world's most prominent buyers. ALNG welcomes the opportunity to expand its market reach through the negotiation of further agreements.

At full production, the LNG plant is capable of producing some 80 cargoes per year. Sales are comprised of spot and short-term sales as well as term sales.

Our spot sales use a transparent competitive tender process, based on these pre-negotiated Angola LNG master sale and purchase agreements.

Did you know?

LNG demand has doubled over the past decade and there is an expectation that it will double again by 2020.